Useful information

You become a full-fledged active member through a simple and transparent procedure.


Who can be a member?

Any Romanian legal entity or authorized natural person who manages and utilizes capital for profit in competitive conditions and commits to comply with the Statute of the Employers’ Association, with the sole object of providing medical services as defined by the following CAEN codes, can become a member of the Employers’ Association:

The Employers’ Association has the following types of members:

  1. Founding members: Founding members are the signatories of the initial version of the statute. Founding members are legal entities or authorized natural persons who participated in the establishment of the initial patrimony and the creation of the association, as stated in the founding documents. To ensure the purpose for which the association was established and to enhance the association’s moral and professional profile, the founders are obligated to contribute to the initial social patrimony.
  2. Adherent members: Adherent members are individuals or legal entities who join the Employers’ Association after its legal establishment, under the conditions specified in the current statute. Any legally constituted legal entity or authorized natural person with full legal capacity and use, Romanian or foreign, can become an adherent member.
  3. Honorary members: Honorary members are individuals or legal entities, members or non-members of the association, proposed by the Board of Directors or the President of the Employers’ Association and approved by the General Assembly of Members. Honorary members are recognized for their professional and scientific achievements in the field of the association’s activity or for their overall support to the association in achieving its goals.

If you wish to contribute to our efforts to enhance the competitiveness of the Romanian business environment and become an influential factor in macroeconomic decisions related to the development of a patient-centered healthcare system, we invite you to join us.


How to join us

Membership in the Employers’ Association is obtained following the approval of the Board of Directors by individuals who meet the conditions listed above, submit an express application to this effect, and pay the membership fee.

The approval of the membership application is granted by the Board of Directors based on a report that includes a brief characterization of the prospective member, their position in the Romanian market, and any other elements that may highlight the acceptance or refusal of the membership application, concurrently with informing all members of the association.

In case of refusal by the Board of Directors, the interested party can appeal to the first session of the General Assembly, which will make a final decision in this regard. The prospective member’s application shall be accompanied by:

  • A photocopy of the statute/operating permit or a certificate issued by the Trade Register in original,
  • A certified copy of the registration in the Single Registry of Medical Practices,
  • A list of persons in the governing bodies/legal representatives,
  • A copy of the payment proof of the membership fee,
  • A declaration under their own responsibility that they meet the legal operating conditions.

The status of a member of the association cannot be transferred. The admission of new members to the association is done by signing an accession agreement, following its approval by the deliberative body, namely the Board of Directors.”

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Transparency and accountability

Members rights

Permanent members – founding members and adherent members – have the following rights:

1. To participate in the General Assemblies of the Employers’ Association and to vote in the General Assembly of Members of the Employers’ Association.
2. To raise, by including them on the agenda of the deliberative body’s meeting, any issues related to the Employers’ Association’s activities, to speak on the matters under discussion, to vote, to choose, and to be elected to the governing bodies.
3. To vote on any matters discussed in the deliberative body during its meetings.
4. To express their disagreement with the decisions of the deliberative body or the decisions of the executive body.
5. To access, following the vote of the deliberative body, any of the functions within the executive body.
6. To convene, under the conditions specified in this statute, the meeting of the deliberative body.
7. To request copies of the Employers’ Association’s documents (resolutions, decisions, regulations, etc.).
8. To participate in all activities organized by the Employers’ Association.
9. To benefit from and use, exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the statutory actions of the Employers’ Association, the assets belonging to the Employers’ Association.
10. To resign from membership.

Honorary members have the following rights:

1. To participate, without the right to vote, in the meetings of the deliberative body.
2. To participate in all activities organized by the Employers’ Association.
3. To be informed about all actions organized by the Employers’ Association.
4. To benefit from and use, exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the Employers’ Association, the assets belonging to it.
5. To resign from membership.


Termination of membership status

The termination of membership status occurs:

  • By request.
  • Through temporary suspension decided by the Board of Directors and validated by the General Assembly, and then communicated in writing to the respective member, in case of acts committed against the interests of the Employers’ Association, as well as through the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings. In the case of the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, the temporary suspension takes effect automatically and lasts until the closure of these proceedings.
  • By permanent exclusion, decided exclusively by the deliberative body, for wrongful acts committed against the interests of the Employers’ Association or contrary to the law and legal order.
  • Violation of the Statute of the Employers’ Association and its regulations.
  • Non-payment of the membership fee established by the Board of Directors for a period of more than 12 months.
  • Dissolution of the legal entity, i.e., the death of the natural person, a change in the scope of activity, etc., to the extent that they no longer meet the conditions provided for in the statute.

Members who withdraw or are excluded have no rights over the assets of the Employers’ Association. They are obliged to pay the membership fee until the date of the final decision regarding their status.

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